Saturday 27 April 2013



Snakes are Elongate legless in carnivorous reptiles of the Suborder Serpentes that can be Distinguished from the legless lizards by their lack of the eyelids and external Ears. Like all squamates snakes are the ectothermic in amniote vertebrates covered in the overlapping scales. Many species of the snakes have skulls with many more Joints than their lizard ancestors Enabling them to the swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly in mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies snakes paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other Instead of side by the side and most have only one Functional    s lung. Some species Retain a Pelvic Girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on the either side of the cloaca.
                                    Living Snakes are found on the almost every continent (except Antarctica) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and on the most smaller land masses exceptions include some the large islands such as Ireland and New Zealand and many small islands of the atlantic and central More than 20th families are currently recognized comprising about 500th genera and about 3,400th species.2,3 They range in size from the tiny.

Wednesday 24 April 2013



The  wolf or Canis Lupus is the species of the canid Native to the Wilderness and the Remote areas of the North America, Eurasia and the North Africa. It is the Largest Member of the family; with the Males Averaging 43 to 45 kg 95 to 99 and the Females 36 to 38.5 kg 79 to 85. It is Similar in a general Appearance and Proportion to the German Shepherd or the sled dog; but has the Larger head Narrower chest; longer Legs, Straighter Tail and the bigger Paws. Its Winter fur is the Long and Bushy; and predominantly to a Mottled in colours Although nearly Pure white; Red; or Brown to Black also Occurs.
within of the Genus Canis; the Wolf Represents a more Specialised and Progressive form Than its Smaller Cousins of the Coyote and the Golden jackal; as Demonstrated by its Morphological Adaptations to the hunting Large Prey; and its more Gregarious Nature and its Highly Advanced expressive Behavior. It is the social Animal traveller in the nuclears families Consisting of the Mated pair Accompanied by a pair's Adult Offspring.


 The Wolf is typically is an Apex predators Throughout for its range with only Humans and Tigers Posing a Serious threat to its. Its Feeds Primarily on a large ungulates though its also Eats smaller Animals Livestock Carrion and Garbage.

Saturday 20 April 2013



Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order in Proboscidea. Traditionally two the species are recognised the African elephant (Loxodonta in africana) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate in species (L africana and L cyclotis respectively).the  elephants are scattered throughout sub Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia. Its only surviving in proboscideans.the extinct species include mammoths and mastodons. The largest living terrestrial animal.Male African elephants can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and Weigh 7,000th kg 15,000th lb. 
                                         These animals have several distinctive the features including a long proboscis or trunk used for in many purposes particularly for the grasping objects. Their incisors grow in to tusks. Which serve as tools for the moving objects and digging and as weapons for the fighting. The Elephant s large ear flaps help to control the temperature of the its body. 


The lion Panthera leo is one of the four big cats in the Genus Panthera and a Member of the family felidae. With some the males exceeding 250th kg (550th lb) in the weight 4 it is the Second-largest living cat after the Tiger. Wild lions currently exist in the Sub-Saharan Africa and in the Asia (Where an endangered remnant population resides in Gir Forest National Park in the India) while other types of the lions have disappeared from north Africa and Southwest Asia in the historic in the times. Until the late Pleistocene in the about 10,000 years ago the lion was the most Widespread large land mammal the after Humans. They were found in most of the Africa across Eurasia from western europe to India and in the americas from the yukon to the Peru.5 The lion is a vulnerable the species  having seen a major population decline of 30th–50th% over the past two decades[Date missing] in its African range.
                                         2 Lion populations an are untenable outside designated Reserves and national the parks. Although the cause of the Decline is not fully understood the habitat loss and conflicts with humans are Currently the greatest causes of the concern. Within Africa the West African lion population is the particularly endangered.

Sunday 14 April 2013



The Chicken (Gallus gallus Domesticus) is a Domesticated fowl a subspecies of the red Junglefowl. an one of the most common and widespread the domestic animals with a population of the more than 24th billion in 2003 1 there are more Chickens in the world than any other species of the bird. Humans keep Chickens primarily as a source of the food Consuming both their meat and their Eggs.
The traditional in poultry farmings view of the Domestication of the Chicken is stated in the Encyclopædia Britannica 2007:The humans first domesticated chickens of the Indian origin for the purpose of the cockfighting in Asia  Africa and Europe. 

                                          Very little formal attention was the given to egg or meat Production.Two Recent the genetic Studies have pointed to the multiple maternal origins in the Southeast East and South Asia but with the clade found in the mericas Europe the Middle East and Africa originating in the Indian subcontinent.

Friday 12 April 2013



The Domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is a subspecies of the goat Domesticated from the wild goat of the southwest Asia and Eastern europe. The goat is a members of the family Bovidae and is Closely related to the Sheep as both are in the goat antelope subfamily Caprinae. There are over 300th distinct breeds of the Goats are one of the oldest Domesticated species and have been used for their milk meat hair and skins over much of the world.2
In the 20th century. They have gained popularity as pets.3th not in the citation given Female goats are referred to the does or nannies intact males as bucks or billies and their offspring are kids.the castrated males are wethers. 

                                          Goat meat from the younger animals is called kid or cabrito Spanish and from the older animals is simply known as goat or sometimes called chevon French or in some thnk areas mutton (Which more the often refers to adult sheep meat)



 The Domestics Dog Canis Lupus Familiaris is the Subspecies of Gray Wolf Canis Lupus a Members of the canidaes Family of the Mammalian Order carnivoras. The terms Domestic Dog is the Generally Used for to the Both Domesticated and Feral Varieties. The dogs has been to the First animals to be a Domesticated and has been to the most Widely Kept Workings, Hunting, and pets animals in the human History. The Word ;dog; may also means to the male of Canine Species as Opposed to the Word Bitch For the Female of the Species.     
                                   The DNA Evidenced Shows is an Evolutionary Split Between to the Modern Dog's Lineage and to the Modern Wolf Lineage Around 100,000 Years Ago; The Oldest Archeologicaly Specimens Date to the 33,000 Years ago, But only to the Specinims From 15,000 Years ago has been a Genetically Linked to the Modern Dog's Lineage; Dogs Value to the Early Human Hunter gatherers Led to the Quickly Becoming Ubiquitous Across World Cultures. Dogs Performs many be a Roles for the People; such as Hunting, Herding, Pulling loads, protec

Thursday 11 April 2013



The Domestic cat1 and 2 (Felis in the catus 2 or Felis silvestris catus 4) is a small usually furry in domesticated and carnivorous an mammal. It is often in called the housecat when kept as an indoor pet 6 or simply the cat when there is no need to the Distinguish it from other felids and felines.the Cats are valued by humans for companionship and their ability to hunt vermin and household pests.
Cats are similar in the anatomy to the other felids with strong the flexible bodies quick reflexes sharp in retractable claws and teeth adapted to killing small prey.the Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory the ecological niche. Cats can hear Sounds the too faint or too high in frequency for the human ears such as those made by the mice and other small game. 

                                        They can see in the near the darkness. Like most other Mammals cats have poorer colors the vision and a better sense of the smell than humans.Despite being the solitary hunters. cats are a Social the species and cats communication includes the use of a variety of the vocalizations (meowing purring trilling hissing growling and grunting) as well as cat pheromones and type of the cat specific body language.7



The Horse (Equus ferus the caballus)2\3 is one of two extant subspecies of the Equus ferus or the wild horse. It is an odd-toed in ungulate Mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidaes. The Horse has evolved over the past 45th to 55th million years from a small multi-toed creature in to the large singles-toed animal of the today. Humans began to domesticate horses around 4000th BC and their Domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000th BC. Horses in the subspecies caballus are domesticated the although some Domesticated populations live in the wild as feral in horses. These feral populations are not true wild Horses as this term is used in to describe horses that have never been Domesticated such as the Endangered Przewalski's horsen is a separate subspecies and the only remaining true wild horse. There is an Extensive specialized in vocabulary used to describe equine related the concepts covering v everything from anatomy to life 

     stages in size colors markings breeds locomotion and behavior.  
Horses anatomy the enables them to make use of the speed to escape Predators and they have a well developeds sense of the balance and a strong fight or flight instinct. Related in to this need to flee from the predators in the wild is an unusual trai.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Skeleton human


The human skeleton consists of both fused and individual bones supported and supplemented by the ligaments. Tendons muscles and cartilage. It serves as a scaffold which supports organ anchors muscles and protects organs such on the brain lungs and the heart. Although in the teeth do not consist of the tissue commonly us found in other bones of the teeth are considered bones and are a member of the skeletal system. The biggest bone of the body is the femur in the upper leg and the smallest is the stapes bone in the middle ear. In the adult the skeleton comprises the around 14% of the total body weight 2 and half of this weight is water.

                                Fused the bones include those of the pelvis in the cranium. Not all bones are interconnected directly. There are three bones in the each middle ear called in the ossicles that articulate only with the each other. The hyoid bone which is located in the neck and serves as the point of the attachment for the Tongue does not articulate ther with any other bones in the body.the being supported by the muscles and ligaments.

Sunday 7 April 2013



The brains is the center of the nervous system in all Vertebrate and most invertebrate the animals only a few Invertebrates the such as sponges in the jellyfish adult sea squirts and starfish do not have one even if diffuse the neural tissue is present. It is Located in the head. the usually close to the primary the sensory organs for such senses as the vision hearing balances taste and smell. The brain of  vertebrate is the Most complex organ of it body. In a typical human of the cerebral cortex .the largest part. Is estimated to the contain 15.33 billion neurons.1. Each connected by the synapses to several thousand other Neurons.

 These was neurons in communicate with one another by the means of long protoplasmic fibers called axons which carry trains of the signal pulses called action potentials to distant parts of the brain or body targeting specific in recipient cells.
Physio logi cally the function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the Other organ of the body. The brain acts on the rest in the body both by generating the patterns of Muscle activity and by the driving secretion of the chemicals called Hormones.



The kidneys are organs that Serve several Essential regulatory roles in the most animals. Including vertebrates and some the Invertebrates. They was Essential in the urinary system and also serve Homeostatic in Functions such as the Regulation of the Electrolytes. Maintenance of the acid base balance and Regulation of the blood pressure .via maintaining salt and water balance. They serves the body as a natural filter of the blood, and remove the wastes which are diverted to the urinary bladder. In producing urine the kidney excrete wastes such as urea and ammoniums and they are also responsible for the Reabsorption of the water glucose and amino acids.

  The kidneys also produce the hormones Including calcitriol erythropoietin and the enzyme renin.
Located at the Rear of the abdominal cavity in the Retroperitoneum. The kidneys receive in the blood from the paired renal arteries and drain in to the paired renal veins. Each kidney the excretes urine in to a ureter. it self a paired structure that empties in to the urinary bladder.